Complete in Christ

"For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power." Colossians 2: 9-10


I hate being late. I am always early unless it can't be helped.l

I do get upset with.people who are always late.  As I see it, if you can turn up for work on time, you should be able to arrive on time for me too. If there are circumstances beyond your control, I expect you to text me.  That's why I no longer attend functions organised by people who are never on time. I don't have the time for such nonsense.

While I was working at this exhibition, a few of us agency staff had to cover each other for our shifts and breaks. Because I wasn't familiar with the venue, I left early for my first shift. After working at that position for 40 minutes, a colleague was supposed to take over, but she was a few minutes late which was understandable.. Fortunately, I was going for a 20 minutes break.

I decided to finish my break early so I could get to my next shit on time. The next time another colleague was meant to cover me, they were late again, which made me late for my other colleague. She even asked me what happened and I said the last person was late.

Before I went to lunch, the colleague who was meant to cover me arrived 10 minutes late. I even complained to the duty manager. I decided I was still going to have my full hour for lunch. Of course, when I returned from my lunch break, I was ten minutes late. When my colleague challenged me about being so late, I told her it wasn't my problem.

When my next shift ended, a permanent member of staff arrived to cover me.

During my last shift, I was working with some permanent staff. I was still feeling resentful towards my colleagues and told a  staff about how our shifts were 10 minutes behind schedule and I had insisted on taking my full hour for lunch. She said what we should have done was ask the duty manager to send a staff to provide cover until the colleague arrived. She said the staff who had briefed us had missed out that important information.

Now that I had that vital piece of information, all the resentment I had been feeling towards my colleagues melted away. 

That experience was a reminder that if I look to people for perfection, I am always going to be frustrated. Perfection can only be attained in Christ.

Calling out to my duty manager for help represents looking to Christ for my perfection, not people.

I am complete in Christ. ❤️


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