Divine Appointment

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way." Psalm 37: 23


When I got on the bus, I sat next to this woman who had a lovely smile. I smiled back at her.

After having a chitchat about the weather, she asked me if I was on my way to work. I said yes. She asked me where I was working and I told her.

I then asked her the same question.  She told me she worked as a deputy headteacher at this SEN (special  educational needs) primary school. I told her I used to work as a supply TA (teaching assistant) at primary schools, but I haven't returned this term as I've decided it's not for me, though my agency is not yet convinced.

We chatted about the education system and the lack of resources.  I told her  I usually pray before I go to work and I used to get good results with the SEN pupils I worked with. The next time I returned  to the school and saw the same pupil, they would have reverted to their former behaviour. I said the education system expects you to follow a set way of doing things and are not open to new ways and their way doesn't match my values. My friend agreed. She said it's like being a robot.

My friend  and I got off at the same bus stop and we even travelled on the tube (underground train) together.

Before she got off, she told me she hardly ever travels on the bus where we met. She intended to catch her usual bus, but she couldn't catch it as the road was cordoned off by the police. She had no choice but to travel a different route and catch my bus.

I believe our meeting was by divine appointment. My friend was able to be open to me about her job. Before we parted company, she thanked me for brightening up her day and I wished her God's blessings. We then wished each other the best.

I'm sure we'll meet again in the after life and reminisce about that day when we travelled on the bus.

Thank you, God, for arranging that meeting.  It was a blessing for both of us. ❤️


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