God is Always Early
I've been pondering over how God meets our needs and whether He always meets our needs on time?
In the Bible God, speaking through Isaiah, declares:
"I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs,
I will go ahead and answer their prayers!" Isaiah 65: 24, NLT
Since God promises to answer our needs before we even have them, that means He always meets our needs earlier than expected.
Here's one example I experienced today.
When I arrived at the bus stop, the live timetable said my bus was number 2 on the list and was due in 10 minutes. I thought, no, I don't believe it. My bus is already here and early.
My bus arrived 8 minutes early.
I believe since God has already answered and met all our needs, I can receive mine as early as I am open to receive them. ♥️
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