Stars in My Eyes

Today I wore my cardigan that has stars on one side of it.

On the bus, this woman got on and sat beside me. I noticed she had a dress on that had lots of stars. I pointed to her the stars on my cardigan. She smiled and said we are meant to trsvel together.

Just before I got off the bus, I noticed another woman with a jacket with lots of stars.

I said to the passenger beside me, "Look, I am surrounded by stars today."

"It's just fashion," she said.

When I got on the tube (underground train), I didn't  see anyone else wearing anything with stars on them. I did notice this dog sitting across me and I thought it was such a star. I took a sneaky photo of it.

I have stars in my eyes. ⭐️❤️

Photos of me waiting for the tube and of the star dog on the tube. 😊


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