Happy Birthday to

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;.” Jeremiah 1: 5

"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." John 3:  6


Today is my birthday, or is it?  🤔

I know from my past near death experience and several out- of-body experiences that I am spirit.   In other words, I am eternally spirit in this human experience and outside of it. 

God created me in this current form and placed me in my mother's womb for a purpose. 

Today, I celebrate the day that I came out of my mother's womb into this world. (Thank you, mum)! ❤️

To celebrate my birthday,  I went out with an old friend. 

First, we went to this immersive art experience consisting of 4 main galleries.  In each gallery, there are different masterpieces  which you either immerse yourself in or interact with. (see https://frameless.com/).

For me, the art galleries represent the human experience. I was the same when I walked into each gallery and was immersing mysellf in, nteracting with and enjoying/appreciating the art forms  I was the same when I walked out of the gallery. 

After the art gallery, my friend and  I had lunch at this restaurant and I had fish and chips. When I told the waiter we were celebrating my birthday, he gave me a free dessert, which I shared with my friend.

Thank you, God, for giving me Your gift of everlasting life through Jesus Christ; and loved ones to enjoy life with. ❤️ 


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