Help is Everywhere

(Previously posted on Facebook on 2.8.2022)

"Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

"If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

"If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

"Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me." Psalm 139: 7-10


I believe while the Internet on our various devices helps us connect, the irony is it can also disconnect us. I mean who needs to ask another for help when you can look it up on your mobile phone?

While I was at Southend-on-Sea, I stopped off at this restaurant for lunch. I wondered if there was a local library where I could charge my phone and fan.

I asked a customer if he was local as I was looking for a library. He said he wasn't from the area. He suggested that I could either check the street signs or look it up on Google Map. I told him I prefer people map as in asking people.

The main reason why I like people map is because it's a perfect opportunity to experience Immanuel or "God with us" expressing through people. (Matthew 1: 23).

When I came out of the restaurant, I saw this man walking by with his kids. I asked if there was a local  library close by. He pointed the way, which was only about 5 minutes walk away. 

I must have taken the wrong turning as I couldn't find the library. When I noticed three teenagers walking towards me, I asked them where the library was. One pointed to a building down the road.

"Thank you!" I said.

""You're very welcome!" he said.

Thank you, God!

Later on the train back to London, I was feeling really sleepy. I wish I could sleep, but my stop was fast approaching.

When I got off the train as I was walking up the stairs with other commuters, my legs gave way and I fell flat on my face just like timber. 😀 I was instantly surrounded by passengers asking me if I was okay. I asked for help to get up. One passenger helped me up, another checked to see if my cheek was bleeding (it wasn't) and the third helped me as I limped up the stairs. He told me to take my time.

I then had to limp down another set of stairs to catch my next train.  I sat in the waiting room and thanked Jesus for His Grace.

Five minutes later when the train arrived, I was no longer limping. I told myself I was the film character, Jason Bourne, who goes through lots of battles, but he still keeps going.

When I got off the train, I saw my bus was approaching the bus stop and I ran for it.  When I got off that bus, my next bus was right in front and I ran and caught it.

I'm definitely Jason Bourne! 😀

If you were to ask me what all the people who helped me looked like, I couldn't tell you. All I know is through all of them, Immanuel was right there taking care of me.

Thank you, God! ❤️ 

Photo of Jason Bourne courtesy of Google Images


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