April Fool

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3: 5-6


April 1st is traditonally known as April Fools' Day or "All Fools Day", when people play practical jokes on each other up to 12 noon. Someone who plays jokes after 12 noon is called an April Fool.

I once played a practical joke on someone very close to me, but it didn't go down too well. It happened many years ago while I was temping for this company in the city.

After I came back from lunch, I put my handbag in the drawer and returned to work. At some point when I went to get something from my bag, I couldn't find it. So I called on security. The security guard asked me where I had put the bag and I pointed to the drawer on the right where I always put it. After doing a thorough search he concluded that my bag had been stolen. I was quite livid that with all that tight security someone had still managed to sneak in and steal my handbag. I then called my bank and arranged for my cards to be cancelled. My colleagues were very sympathetic. One of them even offered me some  money to pay for my fare home, as I didn't have my travel card.

After I had calmed down, I heard a tiny voice in my head saying: "Why don't you check the left drawer?"

It was then it occurred to me that for some strange reason I had put my handbag in the left drawer instead of the right. When I opened the left drawer, I found my handbag sitting there.

I was so annoyed at myself for not remembering sooner. I had to call the security to apologise for making a fuss over nothing.

As the day happened to be 1st April, I had unwittingly played an April Fool joke on myself.

One good thing that came out of the experience was I realised I do have a Guide within, which I hardly ever listened to at the time . I only have to be still and listen.

Hope you all have a great April Fools' Day! 😀

Photo courtesy of Google Images


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