What a Wonderful Surprise!

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2: 9


When I woke up, I heard a voice within saying "I have a wonderful surprise for you!"

Thank you, Lord, I look forward to it, I thought.

It was the day of the teachers' strike and schools were closed. I didn't feel like going out. I decided to stay home and just relax.

Later in the afternoon, I received a text from an old school friend who I haven't heard from in a while. 

Just recently, I was looking through sone old photos of us taken many years ago. I also showed my new flatmate some photos I  had taken years ago with the same friend to celebrate our 50th birthday.

In her text, my friend asked me what I was doing. I told her I had a day off and was home. I also told her I had recently moved to a new area.

She texted me back to let me know she was actually visiting someone in my local area. I invited her to come round after her visit.

In the evening, she and her mum came round for a brief visit.

It was wonderful to see my friend again. We were all amazed how God had brought us together so perfectly.

She asked me if there was a purpose to our meeting. I told her although she had been in my thoughts, I believe just like parents love to surprise their kids, God also loves to surprise His children. I believed arranging this impromptu meeting was just God showing His love for both of us.

Thank you, God, for your wonderful surprise. I look forward to many more of your wonderful surprises and blessings. ❤️

Photo of me and my friend taken years ago to celebrate our 50th birthday 


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