God Always Make a Way

"Behold, I will do a new thing,Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43: 19

"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.' Philippians 4: 19, NKJV

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.," Ephesians 3:20, NKV


Before I started looking for a new home, I prayed about it by thanking God for already providing it. I also had some friends standing with me in prayer.  I had an idea what I was looking for like a nice green, quiet and safe neighbourhood and local amenities like shops, good public transport, close to a park and a local library. I then trusted in God to orovide.

I took practical steps like putting the word out for anyone looking for a flatmate. I was also inspired to join this website that specialises in finding flatmates, but you have to pay a fee to advertise and have access to the places being advertised. A lot of the rooms were very expensive.  There was no way I was going to afford them, unless God provided the money.

God provided the rent and deposit I needed.

It got to a point when I was running out of time and still not finding anywhere suitable. I even had to extend my moving out date for another week.

When I found myself getting into unbelief, I reminded myself that God knows what my needs are.  I also meditated on Isaiah 43: 19, i.e. God was doing a new thing and creating rivers in the desert. I constantly declared to myself that "God always makes a way where there appears to be no way."

I was going to look at a place that sounded promising, but because I had been ill with the flu, I had to cancel because I still wasn't feeling well. By the time I got better, that room had been taken.

Long story short, one night when I couldn't sleep, I browsed through the website and noticed some rooms and I messaged the landlords.  The next day I started thinking about renting an AirBnB place for a month to give me more time. Just before I was going to book one, I heard from one of the advertisers I had texted the night before. After exchanging texts, I arranged to view the property. I got on instantly with my new flatmate who is a primary school teacher,. She introduced me to her cat, Zeus. I happened to love cats.

My new home is in a nice and safe neighbourhood.  As for the amenities I was looking for? My new home is opposite a supermarket and there are lots of ships cafes around. The local library is about 5 minutes walk away. There's a bus stop nearby, which provides night service for those times when I will need to travel early for filming. There is also a lovely park about fifteen minutes walk away.

The Isaiah Bible verse I had been meditating on said God "will do a new thing" and He "will make... rivers in the wilderness." Well, behind my new flat there is a canal with a river and the river is called New River.

God provided a new river in my wilderness.

Thank you, Father God, for always making a way where there appears to be no way. ❤️

Photo of Zeus, our back garden and the river running through our neighbourhood. 


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