Give and You Will Be Given

(Previously posted on Facebook on 15.7.2022)

"Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6: 38


The other day, while I was in the ladies' toilets at work, a colleague asked me if I had any deodorant.  I happened to have one in my handbag and I passed it to her.  After spraying some, she told me she liked it. I told her what shop I had bought it from. She said she will look for it next time she goes to that store 

I made a mental note to get some for her.

Today when I saw her, I told her I  was going to get a couple of those deodorants for her. She thanked me and said I was very sweet.

Later, I decided to get some lunch at this chicken shop where several of my colleagues buy their lunch. I was curious to try it. When I got there, I realised I only had £1.50 in my purse. I asked the shop assistant if I could pay by card. He said I could if it was over £5. I told him I only wanted one piece of chicken and chips which he told me would cost £2.50, which meant I didn't have enough cash. He told me if I got 4 pieces I could pay by card but I knew I couldn't eat that much.

Just as I was about to leave, the colleague I had promised to buy the deodorant for and another colleague walked into the shop.  I told them I was going to get some food, but I didn't have enough money. Her friend offered to buy it for me. I gave her the £1.50 I had in my purse, but she refused to take it. She even offered to buy me a drink, but I told her I already had one. I was really grateful.

Give or have the intention to give and you shall be given. ❤️


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