Vintage Clothing

The other day, while I was working at this art gallery, I chatted to my young colleague. She said she loved vintage clothing like the ones her mum used to wear. Given how young she was, her idea of "vintage" was probsbly what I was wearing 30 years ago. She did make it clear that she wasn't calling me "vintage." 😀

I told her I have this jacket that she might like. I promised to bring it the next time we are working together.

Today was the day.

When I saw my young friend, I told her I had a vintage jacket for her which is now too tight for me. She really liked it and it fitted her like a glove.

I actually got that  jacket from a charity shop.  She said she loves buying clothes from charity shops.

I'm really happy the jacket is  now going to soneone who is going to appreciate it as a vintage clothing.

Be happy, jacket!  ❤️


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