At this expo I was working at, I was helping visitors print out their badges with the scanning machine. Whenever I or anyone got close to the scanning machine, it would automatically scan the barcode on their badge and print out another badge. I found it quite hilarious. 😄 I had to either hide my lanyard badge inside my jacket or try not to stand close to the machine. It got me thinking about functions. The function of the scanning machine is to scan barcodes and print out badges. In other words, the machine has been programmed to scan barcodes and print out badges. The machine doesn't care whether you did not intend for it to scan the barcode, it scans it anyway. In the same respect, I believe the function of all born again Christians is to be ambassadors for Christ. All Christians are programmed by the renewing of their minds to be ambassadors for Christ. We renew our minds with the Word of God/Bible. Within every Christian is the Holy Spirit, who is our Helper,...
While we were under strict lockdown rules, we could only travel on public transport for essential journeys. We were advised to sit apart from other passengers. There were even areas on buses that were cordoned off from passengers. Now that the rules have been relaxed, we can travel freely on public transport. There are no longer areas cordoned off. However, we are still required to wear face masks on public transport. I have noticed passengers are still wary about sharing seats with passengers they are not travelling with unless there are no longer any other seats available. While I was sitting upstairs during my bus jouney, this man came upstairs. He was carrying several bags of shopping. All window seats were taken, but there were lots of seats available that he could share. He walked all the way down the aisle and stood next to me. I could see that he was trying to be considerate to other passengers, but I didn't think standing upstairs was a very good idea. S...
While I was working at this event, I asked this man if I could help him. He took out this device and spoke Mandarin into it. (I knew it was Mandarin because he said "Nǐ hǎo" which I know is "hello" in Mandarin). He them got me to listen to it. I heard a woman's voice speaking French. I shook my head and said, "English please!" He tried again and the woman's voice said, "Hello, where can I buy a ticket?" I pointed to the ticket desk. I know you can translate English into many languages on Google. In fact, I have been using it on my phone to communicate with visitors who speak Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. I wasn't aware there was now a Universal Translator device. It's quite pricey at the moment though. It's wonderful to see Star Trek technology have come true.😊👏❤️🖖
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