Mary Poppins

"for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." Philippians 2: 13


When a colleague at work asked if anyone had some tissues, I reached into my backpack to get some for her.

"Your bag looks like Mary Poppins' bag," she said. "From now on I'm going to call you Mary Poppins."

"Actually, Mary Poppins is one of my favourite films," I said.

A few minutes later, the same colleague asked if anyone had any sweets. I looked in the side of my backpack and pulled out a tin of mints, which I shared with her and several colleagues.

"See, you are Mary Poppins!"

Funny enough, a previous housemate used to call me Mary Poppins because she said magical things happen around me.

I believe it is God in me, with me and around me who makes wonderful things happen. ❤️

Photos of my backpack.  The image of Mary Poppins is courtesy of Google Images


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