Christ Light in Healing Service

"You are the light of the world... Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5: 14, 16

It's been a long day. I've only just got home since I left early this morning.
What a marvellous day it's been!
In the morning service, the deacon preached on Jesus's teaching about believers being the light of the world and salt of the earth and how we are to go out into the world shining Christ's Light.
They had a healing service in the evening, which I wanted to attend as I've never attended one before. Besides, I could do with healing too.
After the first service, I hung out with my friend, then I went for a long walk. I then returned to the church and hung out with a church member who used to know my mum.
The deacon for the evening healing service was preaching about healing our image of God. While she was preaching, I could see her surrounded by the Light of Christ hugging her from the back. I wanted to tell her what I was seeing.
After the service, she invited people to come forward if they wanted to be anointed with healing oil. I joined the long queue. Each time she anointed someone, she would ask their name and give them a Word of Knowledge.
When it came to me, she didn't ask my name. She told me she saw me as this being of light, full of love. She even said she felt privileged to be in my presence. I knew she was seeing Christ in and around me.
I then told her what I'd seen and she thanked me for sharing.
I'm so glad I was obedient and went to church today. I would have missed out on all this excitement.
Thank you, Jesus, for shining your Light in me, through me and around me.


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