Perfect Timekeeping

My friend and I were chatting about people who are always late. She told me I'm her only friend who always turns up on time, the others don't.

I told her I don't tolerate tardiness, especially now that most people have mobile phones. If you're running late, you can text or call. Otherwise, I find it shows a lack of respect. As I see it, if you can turn up for work on time, you can turn up to see me on time unless there's a genuine emergency that prevents it.
Another thing, there are not two versions of me - one that is always on time and the other always late. There is only one me. I presume there is only one of each of us too.
That's why there are social events I won't attend because if the event is supposed to start at 11pm, I expect it to start at 11pm. If people start rolling up two hours later, it's a waste of my time and they will never see me again.
I'm not yet perfect, but my timekeeping certainly is. ❤️


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