Special Needs

 "He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him." Psalm 91: 15


Although I've been at that school before, it was the first time I would be working in this particular year group.

Before the kids arrived, the teacher briefed me about what to expect.  She then gave me a list of names of pupils that were going to need special attention. 

I thought, "Holy Spirit, I need your help now!"😀

As it was a big class, there was a lot of preparation to do. At one point, the teacher asked if I wanted to have a break and go for a cup of tea, but I said no. 

I also had to give support to another class teacher.

Later during the day, I asked the first teacher how her day was going. She said the kids in her class were a lot calmer than usual. 

Go, Holy Spirit! 🙏

In the afternoon,  I had to assist the first teacher. She asked me to work with the "problem kids" who like to chat a lot and not follow instructions.  Although it was challenging working  with these kids, by God's Grace, I managed to get all of them to do some work to the best of their ability.

Thank you, God, for helping  me. I don't think I will be returning to that class any time soon. 😀


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