Forest School

 "The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man." Genesis 39:2

"When Almighty God is with you, good things will happen in you, around you and through you." Joseph Ptince, Unmerited Favour


So my agency booked me at this private school to cover a member of staff for the day. The agent told me that I would be required to accompany the kids to forest school where nature is their classroom. She asked me to bring my wellies for that session. 

I don't have wellies as I always avoid muddy paths and grass when I go for my walks. I decided to take a pair of old boots I have, which I won't mind getting muddy.

Before I went to the school, I prayed for God to make my day in that class easy, fun and wonderful.

The morning session was easy and fun with the kids. I had an early lunch which was free, one of the perks for working at this school.

In the afternoon, the teacher for the forest school class briefed me about what was expected of me. After seeing the boots I had on, she loaned me a pair of wellies and a pair of thick socks.

When we arrived at the forest, I was cringing at the muddy path and muddy grass. Sone of the kids even fell on the mud and they thought it was fun. 

Not me!

The teacher asked me to work with the boys and the other teaching assistant stayed with the girls.  She handed me an iPad to take photos.

They had warned me that the boys like climbing trees and I would have to watch them so they don't climb too high. The boys decided to build things instead. First, they made a volcano, then a camping fire. They wanted to make a real fire, but I stopped them. 😀 I was busy taking photos and ensuring they were safe.

At the end of the session, the teacher said she's been doing forest school for three years and she has never seen the boys so constructive. She said normally, they will break things. She said she was happy to see me looking so relaxed. Even the girls were calm and their teaching assistant had fun with them.

The teacher was surprised when I told her how much I hate mud and how grateful I was for the wellies. I didn't tell her I had prayed beforehand and I believe it was God who had inspired the boys and had made the whole class go really well, despite my aversion to mud. 

After school, while I  was waiting at the bus stop for my bus, I saw one of the boys I had worked with walking by with his mum and older brother. He said hello. I told his mum what a great job her son had done at forest dchool.  

"Amazing! You are brave," she said. "I couldn't do that as I would be scared of all those creepy crawlies."

"I don't mind creepy crawlies, it's the mud I find cringey," I said.

"I don't mind mud!" she laughed.

I told her again what a star her son was and wished them well.

Thank you, God, for making my day at that school such a success. ❤️


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