Trust and Obey
"Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey." Author: John H. Sammis (1887)
Because of the 10K race in central London not far from the church I attend, I decided yesterday evening to give church a miss. I thought I'd watch their online service.
While I was pondering over whether to go for a walk in the morning, the Holy Spirit told me to go to church. He said I was needed at church and I could travel a different way to church - catch the tube and then either walk the rest of the way or catch a bus.
So this morning, I obeyed and got ready for church. As I was approaching the tube station, my friend texted me to tell me she was now available for the walk if I was free. I texted her back to tell her I had been inspired to go to church. I told her we could hang out next Saturday.
When I arrived at church, I saw the Minister. After giving me a hug, he told me the Lord had put in his heart parts of the ministry He would like me involved in. He told me he would get in touch later. I also talked to him about a personal issue which he said he will pray about.
I then saw a friend who had been thinking of visiting and we sat together. My friend really enjoyed the service.
After the service, I introduced my friend to the Minister and the Deacon. My friend asked the Minister about a project she was interested in getting involved in and he said he was about to start the very same project and would love her to come on board. My friend is obviously going to have to join the church to be accepted in that project.
The Deacon then introduced me to the Leader of the Sunday School as I had expressed an interest in getting involved. We all had a nice chat and arranged for me to meet with them next time I'm in church.
Later, my friend and I attended a voice coaching session at the church which both of us enjoyed.
I am so glad I listened to God. I did find another route to church and took some nice photos of the area. 

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