A Wonderful Surprise

"And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9: 6


Early this morning, I heard the Spirit within saying, "I have a wonderful surprise for you!" 

I said thank you and gave it no further thought.

I had to leave at 5am for a film shoot. I decided to carry some items  I needed for the film shoot in a bag a friend designed for me and gave me as a gift. 

While we were waiting to be called on set, I went to get some water from the water dispenser. On the way back, I bumped into a dear friend, who is also a supporting artist/extra.

After we hugged, I told her I heard she was working in London last week ago and I would have loved to meet up with her.  I also showed her the bag I was carrying which she gave me as a gift last year. She said the agency only confirmed her booking for this shoot last night.

By mid-afternoon, my colleagues and I were told we would not be needed and we're wrapped early but we will still get paid the agreed fee.

After I took off my costume, I sat with my friend to have lunch and a quick catch up before she had to return to filming. 

Thank you, God, for arranging for me to meet my friend on set. It was, indeed, a wonderful surprise! ❤️

Photos of the carrier bag my friend gave me


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