About Rejection

"He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.” Luke 10: 16


Recently, I was working at this fair in the City. Part of my role was promoting the fair by distributing leaflets about the fair to passersby. Although all the performances and events were free, I received a lot of rejections.

Later, a colleague told me she didn't like it when people rejected her. I told her it wasn't personal. You just have to keep going.

In this world, we encounter lots of rejections. If you've ever applied for a job, you're bound to experience rejection. I've been rejected lots of times. Although  I didn't like being rejected, I had to accept that I didn't have the experience and attributes they were looking for.

As a supporting artist/extra on films, TV and the media, I am constantly rejected for projects I am interested in. At first, I took it personally until I finally realised it wasn't personal. I simply don't have the right image production is looking for.

One casting agency has asked me to grow my hair, but I have refused. I have  worked in productions that have been happy for me to wear wigs. (Having cropped hair does come in very handy when you're wearng a wig). Another production I was booked on asked if they could shave my hair and I said no. They used a bald prosthetics instead.

Before I gave my life to Christ, I was approached by many Christians who wanted to speak to me about how much Jesus loved me. I wasn't interested. In other words, I was rejecting Jesus. I was so arrogant, I believed I didn't need a saviour as I was my own saviour. God's Mercy changed my heart and I eventually gave my life to Christ.

So now when I speak about my faith and love of Christ, I don't take any rejection personally as I know it's not me they are rejecting, it is Jesus.

Whether you reject Jesus or not, God loves you. ❤️

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3: 16


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