
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10: 10


I believe there are spirits for every condition, good or bad. For instance, there is a spirit of addiction. When that spirit possesses someone, it makes them addicted to various things like alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sex etc.

There is a spirit of death that makes you feel suicidal and puts thoughts in your head  to kill yourself. The moment there is a crisis and you feel slightly down, you start thinking about killing yourself. It's actually the spirit that is making you think those thoughts.

For many years I was possessrd by the spirit of death and I fantasised constantly about suicide. It became so normal that I thought everybody did it until someone told me it wasn't normal to think that way and I should have therapy. 

The main reason why I couldn't go through with it was because I cared too much for my mum to put her through that trauma. 

But when the death urge returned with force, I gave myself a reason to live. I decided to love at least one person a day. This way I could postpone suicide till I have loved everyone on earth. This meant hanging around for 7 billion or more days.

The spirit of death wasn't happy with my decision and started attacking me. The first time he tried to strangle me in my sleep,  I defeated him with this passage from the Bible. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." Psalm 23: 4

During the next attack, again in my sleep, I could feel his hand pushing the blanket over my face and suffocating me. I used the same passage from the Bible that I had used previously, but it didn't work. I tried several passages I had memorised from the Bible, but the spirit only got stronger. Finally, in my thoughts I screamed "Help me, God!" and I was free.

During the last and final attack, I saw the spirit in physical form in my bedroom. It was the most grotesque looking creatute. After asking God to fight the demon on my behalf, He told me to laugh at it, as he has no power over me. The spirit then fizzled out.

The other day, I had a Christian programme on my laptop, but I wasn't paying much attention to it as I was busy on my phone. Suddenly, whoever it was said if anyone is feeling suicidal and wants to take their life, they could choose to give their life to Jesus Christ instead. 

Aha, that's why I am no longer oppressed by the spirit of death, because since I gave my life to Christ,  I have been possessed by Jesus, who has power over all spirits, including the spirit of death. (See 1 Corinthians 15: 27). 

Thank you, Jesus! ❤️


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