God is the Only Power

"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." John 6: 63, NKJV

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." Romans 13: 1, KJV


There is a lot of talk these days about how powerful human thoughts are.  Are they really?

A while back, I was travelling on the bus and daydreaming. Suddenly, my thoughts were paused and I saw a vision of myself walking down this road, which didn't make any sense. After that, the "pause button" was released and I continued my daydreaming. 

A few minutes later, the bus driver announced that he  was making a diversion and advised passengers who wanted to continue on the road ahead to get off at the next stop and walk. I decided to walk. On the way, I realised I was doing exactly what I had seen in my earlier vision.

Who was it that paused my thoughts and gave me the vision? 

I believe it was the all knowing Spirit of God.

Before I went  to bed last night,  I connected my phone to the charger. I then put on the alarm on my phone, which I don't mormally use. Finally, I put on my earplugs.

A few hours later, I was woken up by this loud alarm. At first, I thought it was the clock alarm, but this alarm was deafening. I noticed my phone was lying on the carpet. I  must have knocked it over in my sleep. 

There was a notification reading that moisture had been detected around the USB port and I must disconnect the charger immediately, which I did.

I remembered in the morning I had spilled some water on the carpet. When the phone had dropped, it must have detected the dampness and taken the necessary steps to warn me.

I believe my earplugs represent my human thoughts and the alarm  represents the Spirit of God which pierced through my earplugs to warn me of danger. 

Human thoughts seem to have power, but the Spirit of God is the only Power and Life. ❤️


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