Much Ado about Nothing

It all started when I noticed my phone wasn't accepting the PIN code to unlock my phone. I knew I hadn't changed it.

I texted my nephew, who is a computer wizard, and asked him for help. He suggested that I reset the phone. I then discovered I needed the PIN to reset the phone.

I then phoned Samsung for technical advice. The engineer I spoke to asked if I could give him permission to take control of my phone remotely. He suggested that I back up everything on my phone and then reset the phone.

In the meantime, my phone was heating up and fast losing charge. Before he could reset my phone, the battery ran out and the phone switched off.

After I charged the phone, I realised without the PIN, I couldn't log back in. I needed to call Samsung for help.  That's when I reached out on Facebook to ask for help.

I decided to ask a neighbour if I could use her phone to WhatsApp my flatmate to ask if she was coming home early so I could use her phone.  As I couldn't use her phone to call, I asked my other neighbours if I could use their phone to call Samsung.  They were happy to oblige.

Samsung couldn't resolve the issue over the phone. They made an appointment for me to go to a Samsung shop tomorrow to see if they could help.

After I relaxed, I started thinking to myself that I didn't fancy travelling all the way to central London to fix my phone. There had to be a way for me to log back in.

Suddenly, I had a light bulb moment - try logging back in. When I looked at the phone, I noticed it asked me to enter the 4 digit PIN. It was then I realised I had been entering 5 digits instead of 4 digits. No wonder the phone was not letting me in! I typed the four digits PIN and eh voila, problem solved.

I apologised to my flatmate and neighbours for involving them in my drama.

I am reminded of a time when I came back from my lunch break and put my handbag in the drawer. Later when I looked for it, I couldn't find it. I asked security to come round and they searched high and low for my handbag.  I phoned my bank to cancel my bank card. A colleague even gave me money to buy a travel card home. When I finally relaxed, I heard the voice within telling me to look in the left hand drawer where I found my handbag. I had to apologise to my work colleagues and security for creating that drama.

Thank you to all who reached out and participated  in my "Much Ado about Nothing" drama. 😊❤️🙏

Film poster courtesy of Google Images.


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