Love Will Come to You

Zeus doesn't like being pcked up or carried. Every time I try to, he squirms and I have to put him down. Occasionally, he let's his mummy, my flatmate, carry him, but he only stays for about a minute and he's had enough. While I was having some food this morning, Zeus came in through the window and went into the kitchen to eat. On the way out of the window, I called out to him, but he ignored me, which hurt my feelings. 😊 I then went to have a shower. After my shower, I noticed Zeus had returned and was lying on my bed. He was now ready to return my affection. He climbed on my lap and allowed me to pet him. He then fell asleep. He was sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake him up, but I had to as I needed to get dressed for work. He then moved to the edge of the bed to resume his catnap. You can't force love, love will come to you. ❤️