Travelling on the Bus with the Holy Spirit

 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law." Galatians 5: 22-23


On the bus, I heard this guy snuffling near me. 

At school, whenever I hear a child snuffling I  tell them to blow their nose. 

This was a grown, albeit, young man on the bus. I couldn't very well tell him to blow his nose! As the snuffling continued, I was really tempted to hand him some tissues, which I always have in my handbag, but sonething was stopping me. I was reminded that instead of trying to control someone's behaviour, I could practise self-control, which I already have in me.

Help me, Holy Spirit, to ignore that snuffling sound! 

I didn't even wish for him to get off the bus.

When we arrived at my stop, my  snuffling friend stayed on board to annoy other passengers. 😀

On another bus, I sat upstairs. The air-conditioning was so loud I couldn't hear myself think. That's all I need! How am I going to put up with this racket for a whole hour? 

I could have put my airpods on and listened to music, but I wasn't in the mood for music. I wanted to read online news and browse  the Internet.

God, I need peace and quiet.

I know, I know, I already have peace in me. I blessed the bus, passengers and even the infernal AC with peace. I also blessed myself with peace. I tried to ignore the sound and focused on what I was reading. I soon fell asleep. When I woke up, the AC was still screaming, but it was no longer annoying.

During the bus journey, I noticed amusing things outside like security guards chasing shoplifters and tourists queueing up to have their photos taken next to a red phone box.

By the end of my journey, I had made peace with the AC. Still, I do hope our paths don't cross again.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for always being thete..❤️


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