Because He First Loved Us

"We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4: 19


When my flatmate saw me this morning, she said the pink I was wearing suited me and I looked gorgeous. She said I look good in all colours whether it's pink, red or green. 

Later while I was walking in the park, I noticed this woman wearing a lovely green top and colourful bandanna. I also loved her trainers. I told her I loved the colours on her and wished her a good day. She thanked me and wished me the same.

Hours later, while I was walking by the river, I noticed this woman with a pretty dress walking ahead of me with her partner. As I walked by her, I told her her dress was very pretty. She thanked me and told me she liked my hair.

On the way home, I received a WhatsApp text from a friend I had spoken to earlier about this dance she attended last week. She'attached a photo of herself with the outfit she wore to the dance. I texted her back and told her the colours looked good on her and she looked gogorgeous.

I believe the compliments I received from my flatmate represents the Love that God pours on us which we then give back to Him expressed, in my case, as the women I met at the park and by the river; and my friend via WhatsApp.

"We love Him because He first loved us. 😍❤️

Photo from the Tate Modern Gallery


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