Receiving Grace

"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost." Isaiah 55: 1

"Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life." Revelation 22: 17


Yesterday was really hot. Apparently, the maximum temperature was 30c.

As I don't like hot weather, I decided to hibernate indoors. I did pop out briefly to take my washing out and bring them in once they were dry.

By mid-afternoon, I started feeling cold and was shivering so I put a jumper on. I thought that maybe it was because I only had a little top and shorts on. I even started coughing and sneezing.

While I was feeling those symptoms, I was lying in bed underneath my duvet and listening to the Book of Revelation on Audio Bible on my laptop.

At the last chapter of Revelation [22], the words "free gift of the water of life" got my attention. I meditated on Verse 17 about receiving the "free gift of the water of life." I even looked up different versions of that verse.

I then thanked God for continously filling me up with the water of life.

Later when I went to bed, I noticed although I had a runny nose, I was no longer shivering. In fact, I was now feeling warn and took my jumper off.

When I woke up this morning, I was feeling well. I thanked God for constantly filling me with His water of life. I then got ready to go to church.

After church, a mutual friend offered to treat my friend and I to lunch at this Turkish restaurant near where she lives. She even drove us there.

After dinner, she told us she had a spare ticket for a conference organised by God TV which either of us can have for free. My friend said she wouldn't be able to make it and said I was welcome to it.  As I watch God TV every morning, I've actually seen the advert for that conference. I was even thinking about attending.  God was obviously giving me the opportunity to attend for free.

Thank you, God, for constantly filling me up with Your 'free gift of the water of life" which manifests as undeserved, unearned and unmerited favours aka Grace. ❤️

By the way, the friend who treated us to lunch and offered us the free ticket is called Grace. ❤️


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