
 (Previously posted on Facebook on 7.5.2022(

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)


In my early twenties, I lived in this big house share with four other housemates. Most of us were around the sane age.

When this girl (who I'll call Mary) moved in, I had to drum it into her head that we not only have to buy cleaning products, we all had to take turns doing the household chores.

Because I was friends with one of my flatmates, we used to cook together and share our food.

One time after we had finished cooking rice and stew, Mary turned up and asked for some rice. We said no. Out of interest, I asked her what she was going to have with the rice and she said she was going to have some of our stew.  We laughed at her and reminded her that rent does not include free food.

At the time, Mary was working at a local restaurant. The next time she came home from work, she brought home two huge bags of frozen chickens and chips.  We wondered if she had just helped herself to the food or if she received it as part of her perks.

Looking back, I can now see that Mary lived in a different paradigm to the rest of us. She believed in receiving Grace and unmerited favours that you don't have to earn or deserve.

However, as most of us were children of the world who believed that you can only receive what you deserve or earn, we couldn't relate to her. We thought she was very strange.

I guess that's why Mary only stayed at that house for a few months as she never really fitted in. 

It took me a long time to accept Grace, the Grace that came through Jesus Christ. Now I have no issues receiving unmerited gifts and favours. As a child of God, I  am highly favoured and expect to receive unmerited favours.

Thank you, Mary, for revealing that paradigm to me, though it took me a long time to get it.  

God bless you, Mary, wherever you are and whatever you're doing! ❤️


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