Mind Games

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8: 28

"For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you."” Hebrews 13: 5


As I haven't been to the cinema in ages, I fancied seeing a film. I decided to go for a film date with the Lord, who is my best friend, perfect companion and love of my life.

What I love about going out with Jesus:

- He doesn't care whether I'm dressed casual or smart,  He accepts me just as I am;

- He is never late, He's always on time;

- We never argue over which films to watch or where to sit. He let's me choose;

- He always enjoys my company. He actually finds me delightful.

Just before we were about to go in to watch the film, the usher told me they were having technical difficulties with that particular screen and they were going to cancel that screening. She said  I could either get a refund or exchange the ticket for the next showing.

I opted for the next one.

When I/we went to exchange my ticket, the cashier told me the one I wanted to see was not showing on her computer screen. I told her it was listed on their website. She went to speak to the manager.

The manager came out and apologised for the film cancellation and schedule mixup. She said  if I read the small print on their website, it says times are subject to change, which covers them.  I told her there was no poimt quoting regulations at me. I said as a customer, I have a right to not have my time wasted and they should have updated their listings page on their website. I also pointed out to her that they need to make it very clear on their website that times may vary, not hide that information at the bottom where majority of their customers are not going to notice it.

The manager agreed with me. She gave me a refund and a complimentary ticket which meant I ended up watching the film at a later time for free.

By the way, the film I watched was called "Hypnotic" about people playing mind games.

I believe when you go everywhere with the awareness that the Lord is always with you  - He protects you from mind games and makes everything work out for good.

Thank you, Jesus, for being my perfect film companion. ❤️

A photo of me and my date. 😊


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