Missing Adapter Found

 (Previously posted on Facebook on 31.5.2022)

"Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord." Jeremiah 23: 24


When I wanted to use my headset Jack adapter for my phone, I couldn't find it. I looked under both duvets, underneath my pillows, under the bed, in the bin, my handbag and still nothing.

By then I was feeling upset and giving myself a stomach upset.

I then reminded myself that nothing is ever lost to God and He knows where the adapter is. I asked Him to either reveal to me where it is or to put it somewhere I can see it.

I still couldn't let it go and continued my search and got more upset. I then had a thought that the more I think I have lost it, the more it will appear lost.  I may not be able to see it with my physical eyes, but I can still see it with my spiritual eyes. It's not lost, I have found it.

I decided to trust in Spirit to reveal it. I then calmed down and went to sleep.

The next morning, I expected the  adapter to magically appear on the bedside cabinet, but it wasn't there. I did another frantic search on and underneath the bed and still nothing.

I then prayed to Father God and told Him I was still upset about not finding my adapter. I also talked to Him about other issues on my mind.

Next, I watched this Christian programme on God TV with Creflo Dollar, which comes on at 6.30 am. The title of his teaching was: "Five Hindrances to Hearing from God." It was very interesting and I made some notes.

I then went out.

As I needed an adapter, I popped into one of those cheap stores to buy one.

When I came back home, I watched Creflo Dollar's teaching again, which I found on YouTube. (See link below). While I was watching it, I suddenly had this thought:

" I know exactly where the "missing" adapter is!"

I removed the top duvet cover and gave it a good shake and out fell the adapter.

Thank you, God, for showing me where my adapter was.❤️


Photo of my Jack adapter


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