Pledging Allegiance

"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes." Psalm 118: 8-9

"On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
LORD OF LORDS " Revelation 19: 16


I like the royal family. When the Queen died, it felt like I had lost a grandparent, which she has been to the Commonwealth nations. I even laid some flowers at Green Park to pay my respect to her.

I will definitely be watching King Charles' and Queen Camilla's coronation next week on television. Would I pledge my allegiance to King Charles, as the public are being asked to do? Before I answer let me digress.

Just recently,  I was chatting to a friend who was saying how  resentful she was that part of our hard earned cash goes to sustain the royal family. Why do we still need them?

I told her that as a Christian i.e. one who has a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, I have a different world view. I said in the Bible, which believers follow, there was a time (in the Old Testament) when God was the only King and Ruler and He spoke through various prophets and various judges. One day, the Israelites decided they no longer wanted God as their King but wanted to appoint their own human king to rule over them, just like the Gentiles. God warned them what would happen, that they would have to pay for their king's upkeep and he will expect his people to work for him. Their king will also take over their land and properties, but the Israelites insisted they wanted their own king. God had no choice but to ask Samuel, their prophet, to anoint Saul as their first king. (See 1 Samuel 8: 5-22).

I told my friend that I believe the royal family represents a system of people rejecting God as their King. Nations with a monarchy have to put up with them until they decide they no longer want or need them.

Back to my question about whether I would pledge my allegiance to King Charles.

The only King I would ever pledge my allegiance to is Jesus Christ who, I believe, is the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords. Jesus Christ already has my allegiance forever.

I do wish King Charles and Queen Camilla all the best and a very happy and peaceful "reign." 🙏❤️


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