Living as a Believer

 "...each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them." 1 Corinthians 1: 17

"The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing." John 6: 63 (NLT)

"Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'” Matthew 9: 37-38


Christians are not all called to be apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, teachers or to only do church duties. Scripture  tells us that Christians are called to live as believers wherever they are.

I don't believe working at schools is my calling. I was curious to work with kids as I've never worked with them before. As someone who has never had kids, I get to experience what it's like to be a mum. 

Since I've been working with kids, I've discovered that I am very good with children not because of my charm or talent, but because I remember to pray.

Last week, I worked at this secular, state school. The kids I was assigned to work one to one with had special educational needs. I had to "pray without ceasing."  (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

While I was working with the kids, I prayed for God's Wisdom and Protection.

While I  was supervising kids in the playground, I thanked God for His Presence, Protection and Wisdom.

The first kid I worked with had a really good day. When His teaching assistant returned the next day, she told me he'd reverted to his old behaviour and she had to constantly take him out of the class. I told her he was totally different when I worked with him. She said I only worked with him for one day. She was convinced that If I continued working with him, he would show his true colours.  I secretly begged to differ. Of course, I didn't tell her I had been constantly praying while I was with him as it's not the kind of place that encourages acknowledgement of and dependence on God. 😀

The second boy I worked with had been disruptive and hitting the teacher and peers. When I worked with him, his behaviour improved so much that I was asked to continue working with him for an entire day.

In one class I was working in, I accompanied them to their PE (physical education) lesson. The teacher told me the last time she worked with them, the kids were so rowdy their class teacher got each of them to write a letter of apology to her. This time, the kids were a lot mote compliant. Again, I didn't tell her I had been praying for the pupils.

One day in the staff room, I heard another PE teacher complaining to a teacher about another class. When they finished their conversation, I sidled over to the PE teacher and told her that I find prayer helps. She was very receptive to the idea. I believe the Holy Spirit had inspired me to share the prayer idea with her.

While I was supervising these kids in the playground one kid hurled something at me. When it hit my head, it felt like sponge, thanks to God's protection. His teacher still had to get the kid to apologise to me.

Every day comes with new challenges that need to be tackled with prayer. I was only at that school for a week and it was enough for me.  I pray God sends more "labourers into the harvest" i.e. staff who know about the power of prayer.

Whether I am called to do a job or not, I am called to share the Love of Christ through Prayer. ❤️


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