On Time

(Previously posted on Facebook on 18 5.2021).

"My times are in Your hand;" Psalm 31: 15


Now that lockdown has been eased further, I was wondering whether the libraries were now open and fully functional.

I phoned my local library and I was told I could come in and work on my laptop, but users are only allowed a two hour slot. I booked a slot for 11 am.

On the way to the library, I was pondering on God's allness and thanking Him for being the all. I then walked through this park. As I still had a bit of time, I stopped off to admire the trees and take some photos. When I checked the time on my phone, it was 10.48.

Oh no, I'm going to be late for my slot! I hate being late for anything!

I started walking really fast. I then told myself to calm down as it doesn't matter if I am slightly late as the slot will still be mine anyway.

When I arrived at the library, there was this woman ahead of me speaking to the receptionist.  He gave her a form to fill in. She asked what the time was and she said 10.48. I checked my phone and it read 10.48. What? That's impossible!

After the woman left, I told the guy I had a table booked for 11.  He gave me a form to fill in. I aaked him what the time was and he said 10.49. I told him I left the park at 10.48 and I had been in such a hurry as I thought I was going to be late, but I've arrived early. He stared at me in amazement. I asked him where I should wait but he told me I didn't need to. He asked me to use the lift to the next floor.

Thank You, God, for getting me to my appointment on time! ❤


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