Shining God's Light

 (Previously posted on Facebook on 30.5.2018)

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5: 14


As I was leaving this building, I noticed one security guard was glowing. I told him I could see his shine. He told me he has been feeding himself by repeating verses from the Bible.  I told him I could see the Light of God/annointing shining in and through him. 

I said there are certain people who are placed in certain positions to radiate the Love of God rather like a lighthouse and I can see that he's one of those. 

He told me when he was working at the airport, someone approached him and asked if he was a priest. He said no, but he is a pastor.

My friend told me I must be very powerful to see him so clearly. I told him as I'm in a similar line of work (lighthouse), it's very easy for me to spot kindred spirits. He thanked me for SEEING him.

Before I said goodbye,  I asked my friend what his name was and he said Emmanuel, which means "God with us."

While we are all Children of Light, some people are simply dazzling. 💗



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