What is Love?

At church weddings I have attended, Ministers often cite a passage in the Bible from 1 Corinthians chapter 13 about Love, Christ Love.

It is that Love that sustains a marriage or any t. Romantic love, which is based on the ego, is transitory and has no power at all to sustain a long term relationship.

I guess that's why my relationships have failed as I thought I was in love until I stopped feeling love. I still have a lot to learn about Love, which is not solely based on feelings, but on being and living  Love in every moment. 😊

This is what that passage says about love:

Love is patient. 

Love is kind. 

Love doesn’t envy. 

Love doesn’t boast. 

Love is not proud. 

Love is not rude. 

Love is not selfish. 

Love is not angry or irritable. 

Love is not resentful.

Love doesn’t delight in evil. 

Love rejoices with the truth. 

Love protects. 

Love trusts. 

Love hopes. 

Love perseveres.

Love never fails.

(1 Corinthians 13: 4-8)

Thank you, God, for teaching me how to be Love.❤️


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