One God, Many Channels

"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33: 3


I was telling a friend yesterday that I don't look to my employment as the only source of my financial supply. I said God has many different ways to meet our financial needs.

Later while  I was in bed, I was thinking of a Bible verse which I know is in Jeremiah, but I couldn't remember where exactly. I could have looked it up, but I couldn't be bothered. I decided to look it up another time.

Early this morning, I switched on my laptop to watch some Bible study on GodTV UK with some pastors I follow, but the channel wasn't working. I tried the app on my phone, but that channel was working. I then switched to GodTV Australia and watched this singer being interviewed. I noticed they mentioned "stillness" which I had been meditating on yesterday and they even gave an interesting perspective of it.

After that programme, I checked to see if GodTV UK was working, but it was still off. I then switched to GodTV USA. There was this pastor who I have watched before in the past. The first verse she mentioned was the verse from Jeremiah 33:3 that I couldn't remember the night before. I was very inspired by her teaching.

In the next programme, the pastor spoke about an exact issue I had been discussing with a friend and the solution to that problem.

Thank you, God, for showing me great and mighty things I do not know through Your many channels. 

I look only to You for my supply. ❤️


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