One Mind in Christ

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15: 5-6


I've been thinking of a dear friend, who is also a born again Christian. Although we  haven't spoken on the phone in a while, we recently exchanged texts via WhatsApp.

I was going to call her yesterday, but when I checked the time, it was 9.30pm. I thought it was too late to call her then.

Today, I thought about my friend again and made a mental note to call her.

Later in the afternoon,  I received a WhatsApp call from the same friend, but it only rang once. I called her back immediately and asked if she was trying to call me. She said she had called me by mistake. She said she had been searching for a link I sent her a while back about this former New Age leader who became a believer in Jesus Christ.  She said something has happened in her town, which is relevant to that video.

I told her the last two nights, I actually watched three of the man's videos on YouTube. I promised to send her the link again for the video she was searching for.

It's amazing how my friend and I had the same thought!

We have the one Mind in Christ. ❤️

Here's the video I sent my friend.


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